Instaurare omnia in Christo


A civic religious cultural catholic journal



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The History of INSTAURARE



The journal INSTAURARE omnia in Christo was founded in Udine (Italy) in 1972. It has since been regularly published. In 2011, it enters into its 41st  year of existence.


It was founded by a group pf Catholics, both priests and laymen, which got together in Udine in 1971. The constitution of the group was motivated by the fact that a member of the Christian Democratic Party and former adherent of Catholic Action had signed a law, which permitted divorce. His name was Emilio Colombo, and at the time he was also the ad interim minister of Grace and Justice. The group intended to ÒreactÓ not only to the law, which had been signed in December 1970, but also (and more fundamentally) to the ÒnaturalisticÓ premises of the Italian legal system, in particular the leading principles of the Constitution. More generally, they intended to react to the deep orientations of late 1900s hegemonic culture. The group, which was initially named Adveniat Regnum Catholic Movement, was joint by ÒFriendsÓ from other parts of Italy, and from abroad.


The first editor of the journal was Alfonso Marchi, a lawyer from Pordenone (Italy). From his death, in 1993, Danilo Castellano, professor at the University of Udine, edits the journal.


The first scientific board of INSTAURARE was constituted by: Prof. Rev. Dario Composta (Pontifical Urbanian University, Rome), Prof. Fr. Cornelio Fabro (University of Perugia), Prof. Pietro Giuseppe Grasso (University of Pavia), Prof. Francesco Saverio Pericoli Ridolfini (University of Rome, Tor Vergata), Prof. Paolo Zolli (University of Venice).


Subsequently (following the death of three members of the first board) it was integrated and internationalized. Now it is composed by: Prof. Miguel Ayuso (Comillas University, Madrid, Spain), Prof. Pietro Giuseppe Grasso (University of Pavia, Italy), Prof. Felix A. Lamas (Catholic University of Buenos Aires, Argentina), Prof. Francesco Saverio Pericoli Ridolfini (emeritus at the University of Rome, Tor Vergata, Italy), Prof. Wolfgang Waldstein (former chancellor of the University of Salzburg, Austria, and emeritus at the Lateran Pontifical University, Italy).



Last modified: December 2011